Ethiopia ratified and promulgated the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN CRC)on 9 December 1991. In pursuant to the provision of article 44, paragraph 1, of the CRC, Ethiopia has submitted periodic reports to the UNCRC four times in the last two decades: in September 1995,October 2000, March 2005, and April 2012. In 2021, the government of Ethiopia submitted its 6th and 7th State Party Report on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.In pursuant of Article 45 of the UN CRC, the UN committee of expertise provides an opportunity for the children and CSOs to submit an alternativereport or information to the State Party Report to the UNCRC Committee as an alternative source of information on child rights situation in a country. It encourages CSOs to set up the structures of child monitoring in a country- more preferably through coalitions. A report should focus on providing a systematic analysis of the extent to which law, policy and practice in the state party complies with the provisions of the CRC.
In view of this, with OSD and GPSDO in collaboration with other local CSOs and its donor supported children to engage in the preparation of the child led complementary report to submit to the Committee. The UN CRC committee has set the 98th CRC pre-session with Ethiopia in May 2024. The deadline for submissions of alternative reports for Ethiopia is in March 2024. The report has been prepared, however, significant editing, thematically organizing and standardizing the report considering the reporting guideline are remaining tasks to finalize the report. The potential short term employee will not make any changes on thecontent, perspectives, and recommendations of children.
Fair and equitable access to basic economic and social goods and services for the poor, disadvantaged and vulnerable groups in the society.
To foster social development that facilitates availability and accessibility of basic social services for the poor, disadvantaged, and vulnerable groups in the society through promotion of corporate social responsibility, social protection, child protection and gender equality.
OSD supports the meaningful involvement of the community and the private sector in the development of the country through promotion of corporate social responsibility, child protection, gender equality, and social protection